It’s Complicated: The Browns, The NFL, And Me
The Cleveland Browns have made the playoffs for the first time since 2002. Just barely.
The Cleveland Browns have made the playoffs for the first time since 2002. Just barely.
Where to find your favorite former Bon Appetite chefs
In their regularly scheduled podcast, Liz, Reme and Dane discuss what they liked in Media and Sports in 2020. Why has Dane given up...
In an “emergency” pod, Reme from the Nerdy Pothead podcast joins Dane and Liz to discuss the glitches and bugs of Cyberpunk 2077, as...
Nothing is constant but change the old adage goes. And some changes are long overdue. This week it was announced that the Cleveland Major League Baseball team will be dropping its outdated and offensive team name by 2022.
Well, at least the music was good.
Liz and Dane are joined by Reme from the Nerdy Pothead podcast to discuss his new PS5. The trio also discuss tips for buying...
2020 has been quite the year. Let’s just say I have been watching a lot of anime. Here are some of the anime that have truly moved me during this quarantine.
When a guest falls through, Liz and Dane decide to record a podcast about Dane’s belief that they need to discuss politics more on...
We are finally seeing a woman run a major league sports franchise. It's about time.
In today’s podcast Dane sits down with Anthony Bansfield AKA the Nth Digri to discuss the album Wordlife: Tales of the Underground Griots. Recently,...
Thinking of moving countries? On today’s podcast, Liz and Dane are joined by friend of the pod, Elizabeth Long from Long Mangalji LLP, a...